Welcome To Facebook

The 3rd largest country in the world Population 1 Billion plus The place where relationships are perfect but Friends aren’t really your Friends Where Liars believe their own lies The world shows off how their living a “great” life. Where your enemies are the ones who visit your profile the most Your friends and family […]
Person of The Year

Why I’ve Never Voted Before.

My name is Ryan E. Poole. I was born in 1971 in Ann Arbor Michigan (GO BLUE) 🙂 and I am a 37 year old African American male now living in Huntsville, AL. I lived in Michigan with my mother until I was 10 years old. As part of the first wave of […]
To TV or Not To TV

Source: 9gag.com via Ryan E. on Pinterest
Super Dad

This is a shout out to the unemployed underemployed and/or self employed Fathers out there who have for the economy or whatever reason been turned into a “Soccer Dad.” aka Super Dads So a typical day goes like this. Wake up at 5 to an abused alarm clock to drag the children our of bed […]


Welcome to the The Power Poole